(Y)our favourite sexual fantasies

your sexual fantasies Couple of Secrets

(Y)our favourite sexual fantasies

At our very first workshop at the Brussels After Work Party we asked participants to write down their sexual fantasies. As promised, we are coming back to you with a selection of the most exciting fantasies we received. We enjoyed reading all of them: some of them gave us new ideas, some made us wonder and yet others excited us to the point of frustration, since unfortunately Xander and I will not be together for the next 10 days! In any case, we loved having feedback from you and we are proud to present you your very own best sexual fantasies!

Here come your sexual fantasies -in random order:

1. “My fantasy is to meet someone for the first time and don’t even speak. Just let our eyes speak explicitly. Follow him into a shadowed room and not be able to touch him because I am bound. Just having to let go and follow all my senses until climax.”

Xander: Cool fantasy, with a tinge of SM… I guess it can only happen while you are single though. So hurry!

2. I want to have sex in Kenya in a tree hotel, overlooking the savanna with sweet wine by my side and the wind in my hair.”

Aliki: You had me at ‘tree hotel’. The savannah, the wine and the wind sure complement the picture.

Xander: Hmmm… Savannah! Monkey business?

3. “Pouvoir plonger dans l’eau pendant des heures sans devoir remonter à la surface pour devoir respirer.”

Aliki: Dude…. it was supposed to be sexual fantasies… But for the rest, we totally get it… Which is why Xander has been diving for more than ten years by the way.

4. “Have sex on a bed of oranges. Reach tantric sex levels. Make love, not sex.”

Aliki: Oranges? How intriguing… Are you into Tantra?

Xander: Would have never thought of oranges as sensual. Could be… As for Tantra, I confirm; that climax the tantric way is something unforgettable. I will ask Mary next time we go.

5. “I think I might be bisexual, but never tried. Would love to explore sex with a woman as a woman, especially oral sex.”

Xander: Go for it, girl! Try it and let go. You can decide afterwards how you feel about it. Aliki would have some tips for you if you want. Write to her!

7. Threesome with a spy.”

Aliki: A real spy? Or more Angelina Jolie, Uma Thurman kind of spy? (I have not been able to stop thinking of Austin Powers, the spy who shagged me since reading this!)

Xander: You mean a foursome (three of you and a spy?). In any case I hope you manage! It’s a great fantasy!

8. “Do it on the highest spots ever: wind and views as much as possible (Palais de Justice ?)”

Xander: I suppose that would redefine the meaning of ‘climax’. Definitely something to try out!

9. “My secret sexual fantasy is to make love to a pilot, in the cockpit, while he is flying the plane and eventually with the co-pilot looking at us!!! :-)”

Xander: This is is my favourite! It beats sex in a moving car hands down. I hope the plane has a good autopilot though!

10. “I dream of an ending on a deserted beach with a stranger and we have to build a life boat together. :-)”

Xander: I am guessing that between being deserted and building a boat there will be plenty of sex? I can assure you sex on the beach is fantastic! Do send us some pictures please!

11. “A very long and exquisite act starting with a very long tantric massage, a deep connection -also spiritual of souls, the we would both penetrate each other, play, exchange roles… This would last for hours….”

Xander: I love this kind of sex. We should perhaps write a post about it: slow sex.

12. “Be in fetish underwear, she is occupied  with another guy, a neighbour watches and I can watch, then act on her.”

Aliki: Take her to a swingers club, man! Guaranteed success! Except for the neighbour part possibly, that might be more tricky. Check out our reviews!

Thank you so much for sharing your sexual fantasies with us, be sure they have all intrigued us! Now our message is: go and carry them out! If you already have a partner, open up with him or her and discuss your mutual fantasies within your sexual space. And if you are single, well…the world is yours! When you do find a partner though, make sure to never hold back on expressing your fantasies. Your dreams and fantasies is what lets you breathe, they make you who you are. And if you were not at our workshop and are reading this, we hope you got in the mood to share your fantasies with us too!

Photocredit: pixabay.com

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